Bailey Gatzert Elementary

Bailey Gatzert
Bailey Gatzert Elementary School

Student Life

Student life at Bailey Gatzert

Websites Kids and Parents Can Use at Home

Smarter Balanced Website

Online Math In Focus For Parents and Students
Under Math ane Science, click “Online text books”
Click “Math in Focus”
Login boxes on the right side of page:
Username: studentsps
Password: access


Traits of Writing

  1. Voice
  2. Organization
  3. Powerful words
  4. Ideas
  5. Sentence Fluency
  6. Mechanics

The Writing Process

  1. Pre-write
  2. Rough draft/sloppy copy
  3. Re-read and Revise
  4. Edit
  5. Publish

Educational Websites Used At Gatzert


Spider Typer

spider typer

Type letters and words you see on the lizard’s back.

Create Words

screenshot of create words game

Pick a beginning letter to match a picture and make a word.

Shape Game

Match all of the falling shapes before they fall on each other.

Who Am I

Design a person on the computer just like you!